Advanced Training For Selected Students

During the introductory program, students may ask to be tested for advanced training. The relationship between the shaman and apprentice is highly personal and involves commitment and dedication on both sides. Our shamans are free to accept or reject advanced students based on factors known only to them. The shamans will evaluate candidates for advanced training by testing for receptivity to possession by a tutelary deity and ability to learn to control that possession, dedication and sincere desire to use the knowledge for helping others and the ability to memorize the mantras and perform complicated training, Shamanistic Studies & Research Centre continues to provide a physical site, including room and board, translation services, and unique assistance in arranging for travel and availability to supplies necessary to the teaching.

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Postal Address………………………………..
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While we are in Europe you can call at the following numbers for any kind of information concerning us; Mohan Rai and Shamanism of Nepal:

 1) Mr. Bhakta Gurung Wiesbaden 0049-(0) 611 1726093